Health, Sport And Well-being : A Sociological Look At The Paradigm Shift

Loredana Tallarita

français | 31-10-2024 | 168 pages





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Brève description / annotation

This sociological research analyses the body's health field through the changes that have occurred in individuals' lifestyles with the advent of digital technology. The paradigm shift has created new models that are connected to physical and sporting practices and fitness culture. Achille Ardigò's correlational paradigm enabled us to understand the relationship between the use of digital applications, bodily health and well-being, highlighting the emergence of phenomena such as self-tracking, quantified-self and gamification. The body, according to the values of digital culture, has been transformed into an instrument of public self-assertion, thus inaugurating new symbolic scenarios. If the healthy body constitutes an aim of desire, individuals are directed towards the cultural construction of health and physical efficiency within the physical and digital spaces of sport. In the digital era, health prevention is affirmed in a perspective presenting itself with narcissistic traits that outline the idea of an increasingly perfect body image, exposed to digital platforms and social networks.


Code EAN :9782336445977
Editeur :L'harmattan
Date de publication :  31-10-2024
Format :Livre
Langue(s) : français
Hauteur :215 mm
Largeur :135 mm
Epaisseur :9 mm
Poids :202 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :168