2024 Harris Or Trump Which Program?

Thierry Gatines Ph.d

français | 04-11-2024 | 127 pages





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Brève description / annotation

This book delves into the political programs and visions of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential elections, analyzing them by theme: economy, health, justice, foreign policy, education, and environment. Harris emphasizes social justice, multilateralism, and equal access to resources, while Trump focuses on deregulation, protectionism, and strengthening security laws. Post-election scenarios and their potential impacts on the United States and the world are also discussed, highlighting the political, economic, and social future of the country under each presidency.


Code EAN :9782487925090
Editeur :Thebookedition.com
Date de publication :  04-11-2024
Format :Livre
Langue(s) : français
Hauteur :210 mm
Largeur :148 mm
Epaisseur :8 mm
Poids :176 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :127