How To Prepare A Successful Master's Or Doctoral Thesis In France ; Guide For International Students

Yves Frederic Livian-Robert Laurini

langue indéterminée | 07-06-2019 | 126 pages





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Brève description / annotation

"In France, you are now permitted to write a Master or PhD dissertation in English. This practical guide, based on long experience of teaching and accompanying foreign students aims to answer the main questions they ask: what exactly is expected when we talk about ""Research""? According to what criteria are they going to be evaluated? How do you find relevant documents, choose a methodology, validate, write and, present a defense? What plan should I adopt? Which timetable should I follow to finish in time? - "


Code EAN :9791090293533
Editeur :Campus Ouvert
Date de publication :  07-06-2019
Format :Livre
Langue(s) : langue indéterminée
Hauteur :240 mm
Largeur :160 mm
Epaisseur :7 mm
Poids :239 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :126